Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BABY NEWS!!! 59 days left!!!!!
Well its not the best picture I just wanted to remember how big I have gotten!
I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and found out I was measuring 36 1/2 weeks when I should be only be 30.... the doctor was alittle worried he told me that it was either a really big boy or we might be having twins! WHAT!!! So because I was so big I got another look at my sweet baby!
So as you can see there is still only one baby in there!!!! Whew!!!! He is healthy! And they say all that fuzzy stuff on his head is alot of hair! (Don't know if you can see it but that is what Im told)
So then why am I measuring so big you ask? Lots and lots of water! So for the rest of my pregnancy I get to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks and a stress test every doctor appointment. Ive been told to keep it easy and not to lift anything to heavy! So other than that we are all doing great! Its been a pretty good pregnancy! And we are on the final countdown!!!! YEAH!!!! I can't wait for this sweet little boy to get here!
They gave us 2 months to finish the car! But we had a hard time knowing exactly how to go about it. Tyson knew he wanted a mustang police car and that is as far as we got until about 2 weeks before the event! With the help of Great Grandpa Fawcett and his super wood talents he helped us shape Ty's car! And the rest his history! We were putting weights in 15 min before check in time. But we made it! And doesn't look nice!

Tyson was very proud of his car! He did say as we left the house.... It may not be the fastest car but it will for sure be the coolest!!!!!

We didn't win any races... until

we raced it backwards on the very last race! I was so proud of my little boy and what a good sport he was! He says next year his car will be really cool and might even win some!
He got the award for the Best Detail see it really was the coolest!
Here are a few pictures of him and all his skills!!!
He had a really good time! His team won all 5 out of 6 games and the one they lost they played the 4th graders! He says basketball is one of his favorites! SO looks like we will be sticking with this sport!
Abbie and Ema-
On one of the first nice spring days my girls came in and asked for some marshmellows so I gave them each a cup full. And this is what they were doing with them!
They had each found a good roasting stick and some sticks for their pretend fire. And were roasting their bunny shaped marshmellows! It was sooo cute!!! I bet you can't guess what they want to do this summer!