Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tyson had his first baseball game!

And if I say so myself I think he is rather good at it! This is him posing before the big game! I got most of the game on my video camera if I can figure out how to get it on here I will later! But here is what I got so far!

Tyson played his first game against downey! So we went to downey and played against matthew it was so neat! Tyson got up to bat and you heard matthew on first base say "Your going down!!"

Needless to say Inkom won that game but it was fun to see them both play together!!! Next game on tues!!!
My Tulips I LOVE Tulips!

Ema helped me take some very pretty pictures! She took this next one all by herself!

We moved into our home!

Look how far we have come!
Looks alittle different with grass and flowers huh!

Its been a great experience! All the first in our house were so fun! Im alittle sad to be over with that however Im sure the memories we create here will last a lifetime!!!! Thank you to everyone that made it possiable for us to be here! Thank you for hours and hours of help! Also Im thankful for our friends and neighbors that have made this a great year and made us feel so welcome!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What a weekend!!!
We had such a great weekend! Tyson got baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sat.. It was a great day! At first we thought it was to be a combined Stake baptism but a week before we found out that Tyson would be the only one! So we got to plan the whole thing. So we had Grandma Loretta give the opening prayer, Aunt Cylista give the baptism talk she did a good job. She put a penny in vinegar and salt and told Tyson that the penny represented him.. At one point she told him that she was going to leave the penny in the vinegar for awhile. Tyson said You are starting to make me nervous! ( He was scared to begin with that is dad would leave him under the water) He cracks me up!! Then we had him baptized Grandpa Richard and Granpa Clifford were the wittnesses. And then Carissa sang I know when I am baptized! It was so pretty! Grandma Lorna talked about the Holy Ghost! She did a great job too!!! We then had him confirmed! Uncle Ben gave the closing prayer! It was great meeting and there was a great feeling there! When then luncheon out our house! It was an awesome day and he had lots of family there to support him in his decision! I love you Tyson and we are so proud of you! Here are some pictures:

Tyson and his Dad. He is so happy!

This is our little family. Ema wouldnt look at the camera!

Proud Grandparents and Great Grandparents!!!

Bishop Wright and Tyson! (Wouldn't suprise me if we were related)

Not the best picture but the room was packed with people who love and supported Tyson!!! Congratulation Tyson!!!!!

Mother's Day
What a great day I had today! I woke up this morning and we had cinnamon rolls! YUM!!! Mine and my kids favorite! We then got ready for church! We had a wonderful sacrament they had 2 of the youth speak about their mothers. Then they had a lady talk that just got to adopt a baby and how she was so excited after many years of heart ache about not being able to have a baby that she got to celebrate mothers day for the first time. Then I got to sing i often go walking with my young women. They did so good and it sounded great! My kids loved telling me happy mothers day all day whiched made me even happier to be a mom today! I love my kids so much and would not trade it for anything! We came home and my loving husband went out in the rain to cook my a hamburger! What a guy!!!! For mothers day my husband and kids got me a saw that I wanted to be able to do some crafts and a new shirt! I even got to have a nap today!!! It was a great day! I love my family so much!
I was reading Cylista my sister in laws blog today and she had this on there so I hope she wont mind if I put it on mine....
I yell to much and probably hug to little. I know I get frustrated at bedtime and that isnt fair that Im grumpy when all you want is one more snuggle. I know one day you'll want me to stop doing it and then I will be sad. You know that when were doing something really fun and then you complain about something and I get mad because we are doing something awesome and you are complaining? That's kinda what being a mom is like. I get to do this awesome thing like hang out with you guys and then I complain about it. Sometimes moms forget how great it is because we are always busy complaining and doing laundry. When I do that just give me a really squishy kiss, OK?
This really made me think! I love my kids so much and I have been given this awesome gift to be their mom! I am really blessed! I am going to try to be a mom that they deserve and really focus on making them happy! So On that note Happy Mothers Day to all!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


About a month ago Abbie started complaining of her teeth hurting. So being the good mom I am found her a new dentist and made an appointment! After the first appointment we decided that with the experience she had had with the last dentist. And with the amount of bad teeth in her mouth. The best way would be to do them all at the same time when she was asleep! So today that is what we did.She was not a happy camper going in and she definatly wasnt one coming out either. But an hour and half later we had 3 regular fillings, 3 small root canals and caped teeth, one tooth pulled and one silver cap! What a day!!! I hope we are done with the fillings for awhile!

Meanwhile we are excited about waiting for the tooth fairy (if she will take this rotten tooth)!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Coloring Eggs always so much fun!!!

They had lots of fun! And it only took 20 min....

These will make some very colorful deviled eggs! We did many more things for Easter including the easter bunny, going to grandma's and grandpa's for the annual easter egg hunt and BBQ, Inkom's city egg hunt. However for some odd reason I did not take my camera! Bummer so Happy late Easter!


I planted awhole lot of tulips last fall and have patiently been waiting for them to bloom. This morning two have done so I can't wait for the rest!!!! Welcome Spring!!!!