Tuesday, May 3, 2011


About a month ago Abbie started complaining of her teeth hurting. So being the good mom I am found her a new dentist and made an appointment! After the first appointment we decided that with the experience she had had with the last dentist. And with the amount of bad teeth in her mouth. The best way would be to do them all at the same time when she was asleep! So today that is what we did.She was not a happy camper going in and she definatly wasnt one coming out either. But an hour and half later we had 3 regular fillings, 3 small root canals and caped teeth, one tooth pulled and one silver cap! What a day!!! I hope we are done with the fillings for awhile!

Meanwhile we are excited about waiting for the tooth fairy (if she will take this rotten tooth)!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sara - I think you know that I feel your pain. Why do teeth have to be so darn annoying?! I'm glad they got it all taken care of in one visit for you though. What a pain!
