Monday, April 27, 2009

Tyson turned 6 on the 15th of April. Boy did he have fun! It lasted for awhole week! First pic of him on the morning of his birthday I told him I would make him anything for his birthday breakfast and he just wanted the same old thing Peanut butter toast! Yummy!! Then we had cake and icecream that night! And had a friend birthday on thursday at McDonalds and had party at my moms house on Friday! Spoiled if you asked me! He had a great birthday and thanks to everyone who was part of it! He was real happy for his skates! He saw them in the van the week earlier and said wow skates are those for my birthday? I not knowing what to say said No its just a box I got from the store I need to throw it away! He never once said anything about it again until we got home that night. He said mom I knew that it wasnt just a box! Oh well the moral of this story hide presents somewhere that they arent going to find them!

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