Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School! First Day of School!
My Kids were so excited for school! I thought that I would have a really hard time getting them up this morning but Tyson was up at 5:50 and Abbie got up as soon as I went in her room and told her she got to go to school today!

This is what I got from Tyson when I asked for some pictures! What a silly kid! And these aren't all of them!

My sweet little girl got to go to kindergarten today! She was a little nervous to ride the bus but, when I told her Tyson would be there with her and I would met them at the school she wanted to go!

Waiting at the bus stop...
And here comes the bus!
Oh look how cute! Tyson grabbed his sisters hand to help her get to the bus! What an awesome big brother!
See in the second window that is my baby all grown up going to school! BOOO HOOOO HOOO! OK I'm good now! Then they were gone! I went to school helped Abbie get settled. And then there were two, just Ema and I! We had a good first day too!
When they got home they reported that they had a really good first day! And they want to go back! Hope for this excitement all year long!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wow how this time has just flown by for me this year! Just seems like last week we ended school and now we are only a week away for school to start again! We started out this summer by sending Tyson off with grandpa and grandma for a 2 week vacation to Northern Idaho! They went to SilverWood theme park! Tyson had so much fun. We heard nothing else for two weeks afterwards... they then worked their way back through glacier national park, Montana, and not sure where else they went but he had a really good time. Dad called and asked us if we wanted to meet them in Yellowstone for the weekend to suprise Tyson. We thought it would be fun so that is what we did! It was a good old time we went shopping, and through the park!
Old Faithful was pretty cool the kids really liked it!
I hate to say this the only animal we saw all day in the park but it is..... the only others were 4 elk that we saw was on our way out about 10 min before we left the park!
But it was so cute and it came right up to us!
There were lots of pretty views though and I like that better than animals anyway! It was a good suprise and we had a great time on our first family vacation of the year!
Then on July 14th only 4 days after we got Tyson home.. he was out jumping on the trampoline when he fell and went to catch himself braking his left arm... What a way to end the summer!
Its kind of crappy to not be able to do anything for the rest of the summer! But we have gotten through it and we get it of on the 24th of August! Yeah!!!!
Next thing that happened was Ema turned 3!!!
My baby is growing up! She wanted a princess cake so that is what we did! We went to Thomas and Cylista's house and had a party on 23rd for Ema and Brittanie! Then we went to Grandma Lorna's and Grandpa Richards house for a hotdog roast it was a good time!
We then got to go to our Family Reunion! It was a great time to be with family! This is a picture of grandma and grandpa in their golf cart arent they sooooo cute!!! Can't wait for the next one next year!
And in between all that we have been busy keeping up with the yard. And watching the super awesome sun sets!
And this is what we have been up too this summer!